Ebbe Norsk

Yoga came to me in the early 70’s during a trip to India - and it stayed. I have expanded my knowledge over the years, attended numerous courses and seminars and I am certified in TriYoga (Basics and Level 1). I owe much of my understanding to the kindness of Kaly Ray, TriYoga founder and, not least, the Saraswati Yogi who gave me an insight into Patanjali and yoga philosophy far beyond what I could ever learn from books. I have practiced yoga for decades, taught TriYoga and lectured on philosophy. I also found the time to start an investment company (foreign exchange), a production company (clothes), an internet venture (entertainment), write a novel, make sculptures and be a father, a grandfather and a husband. Life has offered me a wide variety of experiences. I find the experience of lecturing worth repeating from time to time. It sharpens my focus and offers a chance to deepen my insight. If it can deepen the insight of others as well it’s an extra benefit.