Konstantina Stamati

Konstantina has been in the field of beauty since 2000. She graduated as a Cosmetologist Beautician of the Higher Technological Educational Institute and the Academy of Podologists of Greece.
Holder of a Linergist degree from Permanent Beauty and Microblanding from Phibrows. Master's degree at the Kapodistrian University in the department of ''Cosmetology and Cosmetics Preparation''.
Holds the first and second degree Reiki, first and second degree Ayurveda. With seminars on Crystal Therapy, Shiatsu, Aesthetic Acupuncture, Sotai, Rejuvance and many other holistic therapies. She has traveled to Thailand, China, Australia, New York, Spain, France and has had great teachers in seminars she has followed which helped her create her own techniques. "Knowledge must be shared" #sharingiscaring
She operates an institute of aesthetics in Mytilene, with nail treatments, aesthetics, makeup, hair removal, podology, slimming technologies as well as holistic therapies. And a studio in Athens for more private treatments based on holistic beauty for the face as well as podology therapies. She has specialized in the anti-aging biomechanisms of the skin, so she created an e-book, to aid all women, reading it to gain knowledge about the care of their skin through exercise, breathing, nutrition, and the right way to use these methods.
"Beauty and well-being from the inside out" #beautyinsideout On 25/2/2020 she was awarded with a Silver Aesthetic Award in the category Best Hydration Treatment for her innovation in the ''BeautyKs Trilogy'' treatment, which includes a combination of techniques and massage, with the use of personalized care products for each client she brings the maximum result of hydration, nourishment and regeneration to the skin. It is a technique that is shared with other professional.
"Holistic beauty" #holisticbeauty #beautykssignaturetreatments. Finally, she teaches Face Yoga classes online and on demand. While the treatment of Face Yoga is applied to clients since 2013 with a combination of massage and isometric exercise of the facial muscles.
The selection of the brands with which it cooperates always ensures that they are multi-awarded cosmetics with research on the needs and trends of the market and their philosophy matches hers. Be careful to have efficiency and uniqueness. Not everything is for everyone. #onesizedoesnotfitall.
For more info:
e-mail info@beautyks.gr