Maria Mantzorou

My name is Maria Mantzorou, I am a dietitian-nutritionist and since 2015 I work in my clinic in Mytilene.
I studied Dietetics and Nutrition at Harokopio University in Athens, and then completed my Nutrition MSc at King’s College London, in London. After my graduation, I worked in London in the field of public health, and in 2015 I returned to Mytilene to make my dream come true and have my dietetics clinic in my home town. At the same time, my love for studying and scientific research led me to start my PhD at the University of the Aegean, on the impact of the Mediterranean Diet on the prognosis of disease in women with breast cancer.
During my studies, my scientific interests revolved around childhood obesity and the relationship between nutrition and cancer, while I was also educated on eating disorders. In recent years, during my collaboration with the University of the Aegean, I study the relationship between nutrition and mental health of university students and the elderly, while I have also undertaken lectures at the graduate programme of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition "Nutrition, Well-being and Public Health".
Due to my great love for the science of Dietetics and Nutrition, and in order to communicate the importance of nutrition and healthy eating on human health, share reliable nutrition information with the public, to highlight the importance of having a healthy relationship with food, and to communicate the healthy weight control methods, since 2015 I write in the local newspaper EMPROS, as well as on my website and on my social media (@mantzorou.maria on Instagram & Μαντζώρου Μαρία, MSc, PhDc, Κλινική Διαιτολόγος-Διατροφολόγος), while I collaborate with Fitness Motivation Hellas.
Selected published studies:
Mantzorou, M., Vadikolias, K., Pavlidou, E., Tryfonos, C., Vasios, G., Serdari, A. and Giaginis, C. (2020) 'Mediterranean diet adherence is associated with better cognitive status and less depressive symptoms in a Greek elderly population', Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 1-8.
Antonopoulou, M, Mantzorou, M, Serdari, A, et al. Evaluating Mediterranean diet adherence in university student populations: Does this dietary pattern affect students' academic performance and mental health? Int J Health Plann Mgmt. 2019; 1– 17.
Mantzorou M, Koutelidakis A, Theocharis S, Giaginis C. Clinical Value of Nutritional Status in Cancer: What is its Impact and how it Affects Disease Progression and Prognosis? Nutrition and cancer. 2017;69(8):1151-76. doi: 10.1080/01635581.2017.1367947
Mantzorou M, Pavlidou E, Vasios G, Tsagalioti E, Giaginis C. Effects of curcumin consumption on human chronic diseases: A narrative review of the most recent clinical data. Phytotherapy Research. 2018;1–19.