Sonja Kilbertus

Sonja Kilbertus is a trainer for collaborative communication and conflict resolution. Her methods are based on „non-violent communication“ founded by Marschall Rosenberg. She learnt in Switzerland and in Germany from Robert Gonzales, a second generation US-trainer focussing on human needs as a resource and the spiritual essence of non violent communication. She is one of the trainers at Fokus-Empathie close to Zurich and a candidate for certification through the center of non violent communication in the US.
Born in Austria in 1981, she has gone through training as film producer and has been working in the film industry since 2007 in Germany and Switzerland. Her latest success as producer was OSTROV- LOST ISLAND that has won the Swiss Film award 2022 and the international competition of Hotdocs Canada. AMONG US WOMEN, an Ethiopian co-production, about the complex power of women relationships, was competing at DOK Leipzig 2021 and opened the Addis International Film Festival 2022. With this film and in general with her work, she strives to make an impact and to start dialogues between people from different paths of lives.
Sonja found her second home on Lesvos and is planning a series of training in non violent communication and living compassion on the island. An indepth retreat held in english is scheduled for March 2023.